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Chủ đề: Giải mã đàn ông cao thượng

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  1. #1
    Super Moderator PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket
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    Default Re: Giải mã đàn ông cao thượng

    Đàn ông cao thượng là đàn ông nói ít mà làm nhiều!

  2. Có 2 thành viên cám ơn bài của TeacherABC:

    Boulevard (16-08-2010),Saturday (16-08-2010)

  3. #2
    Newbie Photobucket
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    Default Re: Giải mã đàn ông cao thượng

    Lượm lặt xung quanh 1 số tiêu chuẩn mang tính "quốc tế" của "real man" đã nhé, còn "great man" thì tìm sau

    What makes a real man?

    A real man makes decisions and lives with the consequences. A real man accepts responsibility for his actions and his words.

    A real man knows the difference between what's important and what isn't.

    A real man rations his words. He doesn't boast about things he doesn't know about or judge people he has never met.

    A real man makes a promise, and he keeps it. If he can't keep a promise, he doesn't give his word.

    A real man doesn't settle for handouts or charity when it comes to his personal fortune. A real man isn't satisfied with papa's money, he determines his own destiny.

    A real man keeps his house in order.

    A Real Man holds high ethical ideals without compromise.

    A Real Man is emotionally balanced. He should be able to laugh and cry as he damn well pleases.

    A Real Man shares his feelings with those he cares for.

    A Real Man has grace under pressure and does not panic in a crisis.

    A Real Man is responsible for his actions and inactions.

    A Real Man marries for life.

    A Real Man loves and honors his spouse above all else.

    A Real Man honors and respects *ALL* women, be she Queen or harlot.

    A Real Man is tolerant of dissenting opinion.

    A real man does not blame others for his shortcomings and mistakes. A real man knows how to look inside himself and make needed changes.

    A real man is not afraid to admit when he is wrong and seek forgiveness.

    A real man listens more than he speaks.

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