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  1. #1
    Member PhotobucketPhotobucket JealousGuy's Avatar
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    Default Ðề: Tịnh's blog

    Let It Be - The Beatles

    Last edited by JealousGuy; 20-12-2009 at 08:29 PM.
    Phàm đa đoan thì không nên dụng!

  2. #2
    Member PhotobucketPhotobucket JealousGuy's Avatar
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    Thanked 4 Times in 4 Posts

    Default Ðề: Tịnh's blog

    I believe my heart

    Whenever I see your face
    the world disappears
    all in a single glance so revealing
    you smile and I feel as though
    I've known you for years
    how do I know to trust what I'm feeling?

    I believe my heart
    what else can I do
    when ev'ry part of ev'ry thought
    leads me straight to you

    I believe my heart
    there's no other choice
    for now whenever
    my heart speaks
    I can only hear your voice

    The lifetime before we met
    has faded away
    how did I live a moment without you?
    You don't have to speak at all
    I know what you'd say
    and I know every secret about you

    I believe my heart
    it believes in you
    it's teling me
    that what I see
    is completely true
    I believe my heart
    how can it be wrong
    it says that what I feel for you
    I will feel my whole life long

    I believe my heart
    and it believes in you
    it's telling me
    that what I see
    is completely true

    And with all my soul
    I belive my heart
    the portrait that it paints of you
    is a perfect work of art

    (He takes the sketch that he has made of her and gives it to her)

    I'm afraid it doesn't do you justice
    Last edited by JealousGuy; 23-12-2009 at 12:49 PM.
    Phàm đa đoan thì không nên dụng!

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